Export and Import - Worksheet

Year 5
Export and Import - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education
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When discussing the concepts of export and import, we are referring to the fundamental economic activities that involve the movement of goods and services across international borders. To export means to send goods or services from one's own country to another country where they are sold or used. Conversely, import is the activity of bringing goods or services into one's country from abroad for sale or use. These two activities are deeply interconnected as they form the basis of international trade. A country's economy often relies on exporting products it can produce efficiently and importing those it cannot produce as competitively, creating a global exchange that supports economic growth and diversity of choice for consumers.

'Fairtrade' is an important ethical movement and certification system that seeks to ensure that producers in developing countries get a fair price for their products, along with better working conditions. It matters to us because it promotes sustainable development and reduces the exploitation often seen in global trade. By choosing Fairtrade products, consumers can contribute to the improvement of livelihoods and communities in less developed countries, ensuring that the benefits of trade are more evenly distributed. This approach to trade emphasizes transparency, respect, and dialogue, aiming to achieve greater equity in international commerce.