Locate on a map - Developing countries

Year 5
Locate on a map - Developing countries
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

When examining a world map, one can identify developing countries by looking for regions that are often shaded or marked in a darker colour. These areas represent nations that are in the process of industrial and economic growth, and may have lower levels of income, education, and industrialisation compared to developed countries. It is important for educational purposes to be able to locate these countries to understand global economic disparities and the challenges faced by these nations.

'Fairtrade' is an ethical certification system and movement aimed at ensuring a fairer deal for producers and workers in developing countries. It focuses on better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. Understanding Fairtrade is critical because it helps consumers make informed choices that can positively impact the livelihoods of people in exploited regions. By knowing which countries are often exploited for their resources and labour, and being able to locate them on a world map, individuals can support Fairtrade initiatives, thus contributing to more equitable global trade practices and the reduction of poverty.