Where do goods on our supermarket shelves come from? - Teacher notes

Year 5
Where do goods on our supermarket shelves come from? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The teacher's notes provide a framework for an educational unit that explores the origins of goods commonly found on supermarket shelves. To commence the unit effectively, teachers are advised to either gather a diverse collection of supermarket items or take their pupils on a visit to a local supermarket. The aim is to collaboratively list the countries of origin for these items and identify whether they carry the Fairtrade mark. Pupils are encouraged to delve deeper into products such as chocolate, examining labels to determine the source of raw ingredients like cocoa. This activity can be conducted in the classroom with select products to help pupils understand the journey from raw material to finished good.

The unit incorporates geography by using a world map to highlight continents, the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn, and specific countries. For the tasks, children are assigned to research three products each and trace where the raw materials originated. They then present their findings in groups, utilizing maps to illustrate the journey of these products. Additionally, the unit includes watching selected sections from a BBC Bitesize series on trade and globalisation, which provide valuable insights into the topic. Through these activities, pupils will gain a deeper understanding of global trade and the significance of Fairtrade, prompting them to consider the broader implications of the products they encounter in their daily lives.