Which countries border the Mediterranean Sea and what do we know about them? - Presentation

Geography Resource Description
The Mediterranean Sea is bordered by numerous countries, each with its own unique cultural and historical significance. In a focused study, we will explore six of these countries: Italy, Greece, Spain, Malta, Turkey, and France. These countries are not only geographically connected by their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea but also share a rich tapestry of history, cuisine, and landmarks that draw tourists from around the world, particularly from the UK.
Students are encouraged to create informative fact files on each of these six Mediterranean countries. The fact files should include key information such as the country's name, capital city, population, primary language, and whether the country is a member of the European Union. Additionally, they should highlight renowned cities or towns, main food dishes, distinctive landmarks, and include photographs and maps for visual reference. The task extends to considering the country's flag, monarchy if applicable, a brief history, and notable individuals. The objective is for each student to contribute to the group's understanding of these Mediterranean nations, explaining why they are such popular holiday destinations for British people seeking sun, sea, and cultural experiences.