Locate on a map - European capital cities

Geography Resource Description
When asked to locate European capital cities on a map, one must identify key cities that serve as the administrative, political, and often cultural centres of their respective countries. For instance, London is the capital city of the United Kingdom, recognised for its significant influence and status as a global city. Other notable capitals in Europe include Paris in France, Berlin in Germany, Rome in Italy, Madrid in Spain, Athens in Greece, Lisbon in Portugal, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Vienna in Austria, and Stockholm in Sweden. Each of these cities holds a crucial position in their nation's governance, hosting important government buildings, embassies, and often being the location for major national events and celebrations.
London's status as the capital of the United Kingdom is due to its historical development, economic power, political significance, and cultural influence. A capital city typically serves as the seat of the government, where you will find the head of state, parliament or legislative bodies, and other principal governmental offices. It is often the location for a country's main political institutions and diplomatic corps. Being a capital city also means being a focal point for national transportation networks, a hub for finance and business, and a centre for culture, media, and the arts. In essence, a capital city is the primary city in a country that functions as the heart of political power and administration.