Close Reading Comprehension 'The Antique Shop’ (4-8 years) - Activity Pack

Close Reading Comprehension 'The Antique Shop’ (4-8 years) - Activity Pack
Guinea Pig Education
Guinea Pig Education

English Resource Description

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The 'Antique Shop' activity pack is a charming and educational reading comprehension exercise for children aged 4-8 years. The story follows young Sam, who, while waiting for his mum, becomes captivated by a peculiar painting in the window of an antique shop. The shop, known for its collection of old and valuable items, intrigues him with its grotesque artwork. As Sam observes, a smartly dressed lady enters the shop, examines the painting, and after a discussion with the dealer that Sam cannot overhear, she purchases the painting with a hefty cheque. Sam is astonished by the value of the painting, which he personally finds unimpressive, and he whimsically decides to go home and create his own piece of art.

Later, Sam's friend Frank is uncertain about the quality of Sam's artwork. Sam concludes that his talents lie elsewhere and opts to pursue his interest in football instead. They watch a football match on TV, cheering and scowling for their respective teams, as Sam's favourite team advances into the premier league. The activity pack includes a list of challenging words such as 'cheque', 'grotesque', and 'antique', encouraging young readers to expand their vocabulary. It also features questions to test comprehension and prompts children to draw and reflect on their own experiences with art or visits to antique shops. This educational tool is part of the 'Learn To Read With Phonic Scheme', which aims to enhance children's reading abilities through engaging content and interactive learning.

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