The Last Bear - Session 7 - Worksheet

Year 5
The Last Bear - Session 7 - Worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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The seventh session of 'The Last Bear' focuses on chapters 14 and 15, engaging students in a blend of discussion questions and reading activities. The discussion questions prompt students to delve into the dynamics of April's relationship with her father and explore the plausibility and development of her friendship with a polar bear. Reading activities include creating a timeline to track the story's events, conducting a character analysis of Bear, pondering how Bear arrived on the island, and completing a reading comprehension exercise. A 'Grammar Hunt' is also part of the session, where students can seek out and learn about adverbs, expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, and prepositions.

Writing opportunities are abundant, allowing students to express their creativity and understanding of the story. They can write a diary entry from Bear's perspective, compile a fact file on polar bears, provide instructions on how to ride a polar bear, compose a poem about a polar bear ride, and craft a vow of friendship. The session also includes cross-curricular links that tie in with various subjects such as science, computing, history, geography, art, design and technology (DT), music, physical education (PE), religious education (RE), and personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE). Students can also actively participate in environmental stewardship by organising a litter pick in the school grounds or local area, further connecting the themes of the book to real-world actions and responsibilities.