The Last Bear - Teaching Slides

Year 5
The Last Bear - Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Teaching slides for "The Last Bear" provide a comprehensive guide for exploring the narrative and characters within the book, aimed at engaging students in critical thinking and literary analysis. The material prompts learners to delve into the story's themes, such as the lost bear and the young protagonist April's feelings about moving to the Arctic Circle. Students are encouraged to express their opinions and use evidence from the text to support their answers. The slides cover various aspects of the story, from character impressions and the significance of the setting to the emotional journey of the characters, particularly focusing on the relationship between April and the bear.

As the chapters unfold, the teaching slides guide students through vocabulary exercises, character analysis, and plot exploration. Students are asked to consider April's emotions, her father's reactions, and the developing friendship between April and the bear. The slides also touch upon the impact of global warming, as seen in the story, encouraging students to incorporate knowledge from other subjects such as geography. Activities include writing diary entries, summarising events, and even writing a new chapter in the style of the author, Hannah Gold. The teaching material is designed to foster empathy, understanding, and a deeper appreciation for the narrative while aligning with educational standards.

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