Who Let the Gods Out - Teaching Slides

Year 5
Who Let the Gods Out - Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The teaching slides from Focus Education UK Ltd. provide a comprehensive guide for exploring the novel "Who Let the Gods Out" in an educational setting. Vocabulary building is a key component, with students encouraged to deduce the meanings of words such as 'loathsome' and 'lurking', and then verify their definitions. Thought-provoking questions prompt students to delve deeper into the text, analysing the repetition of phrases, character relationships, and the motivations behind the protagonist, Elliot's, actions. For instance, students are asked to consider why Elliot might contemplate revealing his mother's situation when he finds himself in trouble, and what the repeated phrase 'as normal' on the first page signifies.

Character analysis is another critical aspect of the lesson, with activities designed to dissect and understand the characters' feelings, actions, and relationships. Students are invited to fill in 'role on the wall' diagrams and 'thought bubbles' for both Elliot and Virgo, reflecting on their personalities and emotional responses to various situations. The slides guide students through the process of predicting future events, creating dialogue, and summarising chapters, thereby deepening their comprehension and engagement with the narrative. Additionally, the teaching material encourages discussions about the themes of good versus evil, friendship, family, and dementia, which are woven throughout the storyline. Students are challenged to support their opinions with evidence from the text, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

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