The Great Kapok Tree - Learning Objectives

Year 5
The Great Kapok Tree - Learning Objectives
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Year 5 curriculum for Summer Term 2 is designed around the core text, "The Great Kapok Tree," with a thematic link to the geography of rainforests. The unit's written outcomes are centred on poetry and information texts, providing students with a platform to explore and express their understanding creatively and informatively. The possible application of the learning extends to crafting information texts, allowing for a practical demonstration of their knowledge on the topic.

The objectives are divided into four key areas: spoken language, reading, writing - composition, and writing - grammar and vocabulary. In spoken language, students are encouraged to articulate opinions with reasons, engage with the viewpoints of others, and use Standard English in their expressions. They will also have opportunities to recite or perform their compositions. The reading objectives focus on the analysis of language, structure, and perspective within texts, as well as developing strategies for understanding and extracting information. Writing objectives include crafting cohesive texts with clear topic sentences and adapting language and structure to suit purpose and audience. Finally, the grammar and vocabulary objectives aim to refine students' use of punctuation, sentence structure, and modal verbs and adverbs to enhance clarity and persuasive power in their writing. This comprehensive approach ensures a deep engagement with the text and the development of a broad range of literacy skills.

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