Egyptian Cinderella - Learning Objectives

English Resource Description
The learning objectives for Year 4 students in the Spring Term 2 revolve around the core text 'Egyptian Cinderella' by Shirley Climo, which provides a thematic link to the history topic of Ancient Egypt. The unit aims to enhance students' reading, writing, and spoken language skills through a variety of activities and outcomes. One of the primary written outcomes is to re-write a traditional story set in the context of Ancient Egypt, which could extend to recounting experiences or creating explanation texts on the significance of the River Nile to the Ancient Egyptians. Other written tasks include crafting instructions on mummification and composing informative texts about Ancient Egypt.
Reading objectives focus on comparing the core text with traditional Cinderella stories and other fairy tales, as well as engaging with non-fiction texts related to Ancient Egypt. Students are expected to identify and discuss language that sets the historical, cultural, or social scene of a book. They will learn to empathise with characters and infer their thoughts, feelings, and motives. In writing, the emphasis is on vocabulary selection, paragraph planning, and the development of main characters and plot structure. Grammar and vocabulary objectives include the use of expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, and direct speech, with a focus on the accurate placement of commas in speech. These objectives aim to develop students' abilities to give opinions using Standard English, perform their compositions, and enhance their writing with descriptive and structural techniques.