Year 3 Scheme Overview

English Resource Description
The Year 3 Scheme Overview presents a structured and diverse curriculum that spans across the academic year, encompassing literature, poetry, reading, and curriculum links to various subjects. In Autumn 1, students delve into "Orion and the Dark" by Emma Yarlett, a core text that aligns with their science studies on sources of light and shadows. The following term, Autumn 2, continues to enrich their literary experience with "Greek Myths" by Marcia Williams and "The Orchard Book of Greek Myths," which ties in with their geography studies on a European country and history lessons on Ancient Greece. The science curriculum also explores the human skeleton, muscles, and nutrition.
As the year progresses into Spring 1 and Spring 2, students explore prehistoric times through "Stone Age Boy" by Satoshi Kitamura and "The First Drawing" by Mordecai Gerstein, complemented by history lessons on the Stone Age to the Iron Age. They also delve into the Victorian era with Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland," presented in an abridged version by Emma Chichister Clark. The summer terms focus on the natural world with John Light's "The Flower" and "The Firework Maker’s Daughter" by Philip Pullman, accompanied by scientific studies on plant biology and geology, including volcanoes and earthquakes. Throughout the year, poetry is woven into the curriculum with works by Roger McGough, Lewis Carroll, Christina Rossetti, and James Reeves, enriching students' appreciation for literary expression and complementing the thematic learning challenges posed in each term.