Lila and the secret of Rain - Learning Sequence

Year 2
Lila and the secret of Rain - Learning Sequence
Focus Education
Focus Education

English Resource Description

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The learning sequence for "Lila and the Secret of Rain" spans six weeks, offering a rich tapestry of activities that blend literacy with an exploration of culture and environmental awareness. In the initial week, the children embark on a weather walk to observe their surroundings, followed by an introduction to the book through its cover and illustrations, fostering predictions and inferences about the story's setting. As they delve into the narrative, they encounter the protagonist Lila's responsibilities, identifying unfamiliar words using a word detective grid. The concept of drought is introduced, sparking discussions on the value of water and its conservation, culminating in the creation of water-saving instructions.

In the subsequent weeks, students delve deeper into Lila's emotional journey, using thought bubbles to express her feelings and role-play to empathise with her experiences. They engage in creative thinking, imagining stories to tell the sky to induce rain, and later, when rain arrives, they seek textual clues and celebrate the event, pondering whether Lila's actions truly influenced the weather. The story is revisited to sequence key events and develop language skills, such as synonyms, expanded noun phrases, and exclamatory sentences. The final weeks involve drafting and refining a narrative, exploring Kenya's landscape, and conducting research on the country to produce a report. The unit concludes with a comparative study of "Lila and the Secret of Rain" and "Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain," encouraging critical thinking and cultural appreciation.

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