The Silver Sword - Medium Term Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
The Silver Sword - Medium Term Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The medium-term plan for 'The Silver Sword' by Ian Serraillier outlines a comprehensive scheme of work for teaching the novel. Each lesson is structured to provide a balanced approach to reading and analysing the book, with resources including PowerPoint presentations and worksheets to facilitate learning. The initial lesson involves reading the blurb, discussing the cover and title, and making predictions, followed by an introduction to the main character, Joseph Balicki. As the lessons progress, students delve deeper into the narrative, reading and discussing subsequent chapters, analysing characters and themes, and engaging in extension questions and feedback sessions.

The plan incorporates a variety of teaching strategies, such as recap sessions, partner discussions, and creative activities like writing a character portrait or a diary entry. Historical context is explored through video clips and research tasks, enhancing students' understanding of the setting. The concept of suspense is introduced, and students practise creating it in their own writing. The scheme also includes interactive elements like hotseating, where students perform as the novel's characters, and Blockbusters-style games to review plot points. Towards the end of the term, students consolidate their understanding of the novel with a comprehensive review, discussing the plot, characters, and themes, before writing their own book reviews as a culminating task.

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