The Silver Sword - Post Reading PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Silver Sword - Post Reading PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The Silver Sword, a novel by Ian Serraillier, is the focus of a post-reading PowerPoint designed to guide students through reflection and analysis. After completing the novel, the objectives of the presentation are to encourage students to contemplate the themes presented in the story, to discuss the author's intended meaning and purpose, and to engage in any outstanding activities related to the text. Additionally, one of the key tasks for the students is to write a comprehensive review of The Silver Sword, sharing their personal thoughts and critiques of the narrative.

To assist students in crafting their book reviews, the PowerPoint provides sentence starters as a structured approach to expressing their opinions. These prompts help students to articulate where the story is set, outline the plot, identify their favourite aspects and any criticisms they might have. Furthermore, the review exercise prompts students to delve into the themes explored by Serraillier, consider his purpose in writing the novel, and decide who might appreciate reading The Silver Sword and why. This post-reading activity not only enhances students' understanding of the book but also develops their analytical and expressive writing skills.

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