The Silver Sword - Links PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Silver Sword - Links PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The Silver Sword, a novel by Ian Serraillier, is the subject of an educational PowerPoint created to provide teachers with resources and links for their lessons. This PowerPoint, copyrighted by Online Teaching Resources Ltd and available through, is a valuable tool for educators looking to enrich their teaching of the novel and its historical context. The presentation includes a variety of links that lead to external resources, enhancing the learning experience by offering additional information on the book and related topics such as World War II and its impact on Britain.

These curated links serve as a gateway for students to explore the era in which The Silver Sword is set, delving into the historical background and the significance of the events described in the novel. The resources are carefully selected to provide a comprehensive understanding of the time period, including general war history, specific details about Britain during the war, and educational materials from reputable sources. The PowerPoint is designed to be an all-encompassing educational aid that supports the curriculum and deepens students' knowledge and engagement with the subject matter.

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