The Highwayman - Lesson 10 - Secret Love PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Highwayman - Lesson 10 - Secret Love PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The lesson plan titled "Secret Love" delves into the final section of the poem "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes. The objective of this lesson is to consolidate students' understanding of the plot as it reaches its dramatic conclusion. The lesson employs a sequencing activity, where students are tasked with arranging the events of the poem's climax in the correct chronological order. This activity not only aids in comprehension of the narrative but also reinforces the students' grasp of the sequence of events that lead to the tragic end of the poem's protagonists.

Following the sequencing task, the lesson takes a creative turn by inviting students to step into the shoes of a reporter for the local newspaper. They are presented with a scenario set the day after the deaths of the highwayman and Bess, the poem's central characters. Students are instructed to write the full story for the front page of the newspaper, encapsulating the dramatic events that unfolded. This exercise not only encourages students to synthesize the information from the poem but also allows them to explore the themes of love and sacrifice within the narrative, all while practicing their writing skills in an imaginative and engaging context.

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