Macbeth - Lesson 22 - Lost the Plot PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Macbeth - Lesson 22 - Lost the Plot PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In this educational session focusing on Shakespeare's 'Macbeth', students are tasked with consolidating their understanding of the play's narrative, particularly Acts Four and Five. The objective is to complete a summary by filling in missing details, thereby engaging with key plot points. The exercise revisits Macbeth's second consultation with the witches, where he receives cryptic warnings about Macduff, the Thane of Fife, and prophecies that soothe yet unsettle him – including the notion that he is invulnerable to anyone born of a woman and that he is safe until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane. The witches' visions also disturb Macbeth with the sight of Banquo's lineage continuing to rule.

As the summary progresses, it delves into the consequences of Macbeth's growing paranoia and subsequent actions, including the brutal murder of Macduff's family. Meanwhile, Lady Macbeth's mental state unravels as she is tormented by visions of bloodstained hands. In a twist of fate, Macbeth's overconfidence is shattered when Malcolm and Macduff, leading an army disguised with branches from Birnam Wood, lay siege to his castle. The revelation that Macduff was delivered by caesarean section – and therefore not 'of woman born' – seals Macbeth's doom. After Macduff slays Macbeth and displays his head as a grim trophy, Malcolm ascends to the throne, heralding a restoration of justice and order in Scotland. To further engage with the dramatic conclusion of 'Macbeth', students are invited to create a comic strip that encapsulates the pivotal moments of Acts Four and Five, thereby visualising the tragic trajectory of the titular character's fate.

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