Macbeth - Lesson 21 - The Rise and Fall of Macbeth PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Macbeth - Lesson 21 - The Rise and Fall of Macbeth PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 21, titled "The Rise and Fall of Macbeth," students delve into the dynamic transformation of Macbeth's character throughout Shakespeare's play. The objective of the lesson is to consolidate the students' understanding of the plot and to analyse the literary techniques Shakespeare employs to depict the evolution of Macbeth's persona from the beginning to the end of the tragic narrative. The lesson aims to encourage students to critically engage with the text, examining the pivotal moments that contribute to the changes in Macbeth's character.

The educational activity involves plotting a graph that illustrates Macbeth's journey, marking the significant events that contribute to his rise and subsequent fall. The graph begins with Macbeth's elevation to the title of Thane of Cawdor, a moment of increased status that sets the stage for his ascension. Students are then prompted to consider his fateful encounter with the three witches, a key plot point that propels Macbeth towards his eventual downfall. By charting these events on a graph, students can visually represent the trajectory of Macbeth's character development, from Act 1, Scene 1 through to Act 5, Scene 6, and gain a deeper appreciation of Shakespeare's storytelling and characterisation techniques.

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