Descriptive Writing - Lesson 3 - Effective Descriptive Writing PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Descriptive Writing - Lesson 3 - Effective Descriptive Writing PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Effective descriptive writing is an art that paints a vivid picture of a person, place, or thing, making it come alive in the reader's imagination. To master this skill, the lesson focuses on describing a place of personal significance. The aim is to transport the reader to that very spot, as if they were standing there themselves. Students are encouraged to select a location that is not only well-known to them but also rich with cherished memories, which could range from a holiday destination to the comfort of their childhood home or the tranquillity of their grandparents' back garden.

Good writing begins with meticulous planning, and this lesson guides students through the process of crafting their descriptive piece. The key to unlocking the full potential of descriptive writing lies in engaging the senses. Students are advised to create a spider diagram to organise their thoughts, jotting down everything they can recall about their chosen place, including what they can smell, see, touch, hear, and taste. For instance, a holiday in Majorca might evoke the sensation of sand between the toes, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks, or the sight of children playing in the sea. Students then share and discuss their ideas with a partner, ensuring each sensory image is clear and evocative, before reading them aloud to see which senses their descriptions appeal to most effectively.