A Christmas Carol - Lesson 2 - Scrooge's Dialogue Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
A Christmas Carol - Lesson 2 - Scrooge's Dialogue Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a worksheet focusing on character analysis through dialogue, students are encouraged to read an excerpt from "A Christmas Carol" where Scrooge interacts with his nephew. The dialogue opens with Scrooge's dismissive exclamation, 'Bah! Humbug!', which immediately sets the tone for his cantankerous and cynical view of Christmas. His nephew, in contrast, appears warm and jovial, having come in from the cold, his face described as 'ruddy and handsome' and his eyes 'sparkled'. This stark difference in demeanor between the two characters serves as a backdrop for the ensuing conversation.

As the nephew challenges Scrooge's assertion that Christmas is a 'humbug', Scrooge retorts by questioning his nephew's right to be merry, pointing out his relative poverty. The nephew's riposte cleverly turns the question around, asking Scrooge what right he has to be dismal and morose given his wealth. Scrooge's lack of a substantial reply, resorting once again to 'Bah! Humbug!', underscores his obstinate attitude and reluctance to engage in the festive spirit. Students are tasked with identifying parts of Scrooge's speech that reveal aspects of his character, such as his miserliness, negativity, and scorn for the Christmas season.