Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 3 - Roald Dahl Family Tree PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 3 - Roald Dahl Family Tree PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 3, students delve into the world of autobiographical writing by exploring the family tree of the renowned author Roald Dahl. The lesson objectives are clear: to understand what an autobiography is, to construct Roald Dahl's family tree using details from the first chapter of his book "Boy," and to create their own family trees. An autobiography, as explained, is a narrative a person writes about their own life, distinguished from a biography, which is written by someone else about another person. The lesson breaks down the etymology of the word 'autobiography', highlighting its Greek roots 'auto' (self), 'bio' (life), and 'graphy' (I write), implying a story written by oneself about one's life experiences.

Students are encouraged to consider modern forms of autobiographical expression, such as social media profiles, blogs, and personal websites, prompting a discussion on why these platforms can be seen as autobiographical. The concept of a family tree is introduced with visual examples, and students are tasked with reading the first chapter of "Boy" to extract information to construct Roald Dahl's family tree. This exercise serves to connect the understanding of autobiography with a practical application. For homework, students are assigned to create their own family trees, with encouragement to engage family members for assistance. The lesson concludes with a plenary to consolidate learning and reflect on the objectives achieved.

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