Root Words - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Root Words - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

AI generated

Understanding root words is an integral part of enhancing vocabulary and word comprehension. In this particular resource, the concept of root words is explored through various examples and exercises designed for Key Stage 2 pupils focusing on word reading. A root word is defined as a basic word without any prefix or suffix attached to it, and the addition of such affixes can alter the word's meaning. For instance, 'help' is presented as a root word, with related words like 'helpful', 'helpless', and 'unhelpful' stemming from it. These derivatives demonstrate how the meaning of the root word can be modified and expanded upon.

The teaching resource further delves into the concept by providing another example with the root word 'dress'. Words such as 'address', 'redress', and 'undress' are shown to have a connection to the root word, illustrating the varied meanings that can emerge from a single base. Worksheets accompany the lesson, prompting students to add words to a given root word tree, look up definitions, and construct sentences with the new words they've learned. Through this interactive approach, students gain a deeper understanding of word formation and the nuances of the English language. Example answers are provided to guide and validate the learning process.

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