The Prefix 'anti-' - PowerPoint

English Resource Description
An educational resource aimed at Year 3 and 4 students delves into the understanding and application of the prefix 'anti-'. The objective is to familiarize children with the meaning of 'anti-' and how it can be used to alter the meaning of words when added to their beginning. The resource explains that a prefix is a group of letters that, when prefixed to a word, can change its meaning entirely. The lessons specifically focus on 'anti-', providing examples such as 'anticlockwise', which means moving in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock, and 'antisocial', indicating a lack of sociability or a desire to avoid social interaction.
Through various activities, students are encouraged to explore the concept further. They are tasked with matching words that contain the 'anti-' prefix to their correct definitions, such as 'antiperspirant' reducing sweat, or 'antibiotic' being a medicine that kills bacteria. The exercises also include filling in the blanks in sentences with appropriate 'anti-' prefixed words, reinforcing their understanding of each word's meaning. The resource provides a worksheet where students can practice by drawing lines to pair words with definitions and writing sentences using words like 'antibodies', 'antifreeze', and 'antiseptic'. This hands-on approach aims to cement the students' grasp of how the prefix 'anti-' signifies opposition or prevention in various contexts.