Formal and Informal Writing - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Formal and Informal Writing - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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An English teaching resource designed for Key Stage 2 focuses on distinguishing between formal and informal writing. The objective of the lesson is for students to understand the differences between formal and informal English, a vital skill in various writing contexts. The resource prompts students to consider the concept of formality and where certain types of language are appropriate. For instance, text message abbreviations like "HOW R U M8?" and "C U L8R" are identified as informal and students are encouraged to think about the suitability of such language in different scenarios, such as job applications, where formal language is expected.

The resource further explores formality through interactive activities where students categorize examples of communication, such as job applications, letters to newspapers, and text messages, into formal and informal groups. An in-depth look at formal language is provided by examining a letter of complaint, which showcases the proper layout, use of standard English, correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and appropriate salutations when the recipient's name is known. Conversely, students are also shown an example of an informal and incorrectly written letter of complaint, highlighting common errors. This exercise challenges students to identify the mistakes and rewrite the letter following the conventions of formal writing, reinforcing the lesson's objective and ensuring a practical understanding of formal language usage.

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