Wonder Lesson 4: Why I Didn't Go to School - Comprehension Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 4: Why I Didn't Go to School - Comprehension Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Why I Didn't Go to School" comprehension worksheet is a teaching resource that delves into the themes and narrative of a specific text, aimed at enhancing students' understanding and analytical skills. The worksheet prompts students to engage with the text by asking them to identify which grade the main character, August, will be joining. It also encourages critical thinking by asking students to explain the meaning of the phrase 'figured out' as used in the first paragraph of the referenced pages.

Further questions on the worksheet seek to deepen the reader's connection with the characters by asking about August's best friends and whether he has always harboured the desire to attend school, requiring a detailed explanation. To foster imaginative and empathetic writing, the worksheet concludes with a creative task that invites students to step into August's shoes and write a short diary entry depicting his thoughts and feelings on the morning of his first day at school. This exercise not only aids in comprehension but also helps students to practice narrative writing from a first-person perspective.