Wonder Lesson 14: Choose Kind - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 14: Choose Kind - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The 'Choose Kind' lesson from the English Teaching Resources encourages students to delve into the concept of precepts—general rules that guide behaviour or thought. The class begins by discussing the meaning of precepts with examples from the book 'Wonder'. Students are then invited to read and discuss specific pages from the book, using a 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to enhance their vocabulary. The lesson also includes a word warm-up focusing on prefixes such as 'pre', 're', 'mis', 'il', and 'un', where students explore their meanings, usage, and examples like 'misguide', 'illegal', and 'untie'. They are then challenged to create new words by combining root words with prefixes like 'in', 'un', 'im', and 'ir'.

Further comprehension activities involve imagining themselves as one of Mr Browne's pupils from 'Wonder', creating their own precept to send to him during the summer holidays, and explaining their choice. Students are prompted with questions about the text, such as why August thinks Jack is popular, the English equivalent of the American word 'semester', and whether Auggie is respectful to Mr Browne. Additional tasks include identifying when Mr Browne enters the classroom, interpreting August's mood from the verb 'zoomed', and finding synonyms within the text. These exercises are designed to engage students with the text and encourage critical thinking and creativity in their understanding of the narrative and its themes.