The Magic Finger - Lesson 3: The Greggs - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
The Magic Finger - Lesson 3: The Greggs - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In the third lesson of the series based on "The Magic Finger," students are encouraged to delve into the narrative up to page 24 and explore the characters of the Gregg family. The lesson's objectives are to read a specified section of the text and to engage in predictive discussions about the storyline. Students are prompted to talk about the Greggs, sharing their thoughts and observations about the family dynamics and their actions within the story. This discussion aims to foster a deeper understanding of the characters and to encourage students to make inferences and predictions about the plot.

As the lesson progresses, students are tasked with writing a paragraph about the Gregg family, using sentence starters provided to help structure their thoughts. This writing exercise allows them to consolidate their knowledge of the family and articulate their views on the characters' behaviour and the consequences they face. The plenary session provides an opportunity for volunteers to read their work aloud, inviting peer feedback and constructive criticism. The class then debates a thought-provoking question regarding the family's fate: Do the Greggs deserve to be turned into ducks? This discussion challenges students to consider the moral aspects of the story and the actions of the characters.

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