Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Lesson 3: The Factory - Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Lesson 3: The Factory - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this creative English lesson, students are tasked with bringing to life the whimsical and extraordinary world of Willy Wonka's factory as described in Roald Dahl's beloved book, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The activity is designed to engage students with the text in a visual and interactive way. They are instructed to draw the factory, paying close attention to the vivid details provided by Dahl's narrative. This exercise not only encourages artistic expression but also requires close reading and attention to descriptive language.

Upon completing their illustrations, students are further challenged to enhance their drawings by incorporating direct quotations from the book. By selecting appropriate excerpts and using them as labels for different parts of their drawings, students demonstrate their understanding of the text and their ability to connect textual descriptions with visual imagery. This task combines literary analysis with creative design, making for an enriching and enjoyable learning experience that delves into the imaginative world of one of literature's most iconic settings.

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