Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Lesson 2: Introducing Charlie - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Lesson 2: Introducing Charlie - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the second lesson of an English teaching series, students are introduced to the character of Charlie Bucket from the beloved novel "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The lesson's objectives are twofold: firstly, to recap what the class has learned about the famous author Roald Dahl, and secondly, to delve into the first chapter of the book to create a fact file about the protagonist, Charlie. The lesson begins with an interactive recall activity where students share facts about Roald Dahl, aiming to reinforce their knowledge of the author and engage the entire class in a fun and educational challenge.

Following the warm-up, the lesson moves on to encourage students to think critically about what draws them to a book, discussing aspects such as the cover, author, genre, and blurb. Using the front and back covers of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", they make predictions about the story, supported by evidence from the book's presentation. After these discussions, students read the first chapter, focusing specifically on gathering information about Charlie Bucket. Working in pairs, they compile this information into a fact file, which serves as a focused exercise in comprehension and attention to detail. The lesson concludes with volunteers sharing their fact files, allowing the class to collectively build a picture of Charlie Bucket and discuss their findings.

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