Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Lesson 11: Headline News - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Lesson 11: Headline News - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson Eleven: Headline News, part of an English Teaching Resources series, students are tasked with demonstrating their understanding of the plot and characters from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by writing a newspaper report. This creative exercise invites them to step into the shoes of a reporter for a national newspaper, The Daily Times, and craft a compelling front-page story. The focus of their article is the extraordinary announcement that Willy Wonka, the eccentric owner of the famous chocolate factory, is bestowing his entire confectionery empire to a young boy named Charlie Bucket.

The lesson guides students through a structured planning process, allowing them 20 minutes to brainstorm and organise their ideas. They are encouraged to consider the '5 Ws': Who, When, Where, What, and Why, to ensure their report is thorough and engaging. A planning worksheet is provided to help them jot down notes and structure their thoughts. Once the planning is complete, students are instructed to write the full story, paying attention to the key details and presenting their report in a format typical of a newspaper article, complete with a headline and the journalistic style. This exercise not only enhances their writing skills but also deepens their comprehension of the narrative and characters they have been studying.