Retrieving and Recording Information - Non - Fiction - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Retrieving and Recording Information - Non - Fiction - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The educational resources provided for Year 3 and 4 students are designed to enhance their comprehension skills, specifically focusing on retrieving and recording information from non-fiction texts. The curriculum requirements set out by the National Curriculum for these year groups include learning to distinguish between non-fiction and fiction, as well as how to extract and document facts from non-fictional material. The lesson objectives clearly state that students will understand the meaning of 'non-fiction' and develop the ability to identify and record information found within non-fiction texts.

Students are presented with examples to differentiate between factual and opinion-based writing. They explore the concept that non-fiction texts contain verifiable information without the inclusion of personal opinions, unlike fiction, which may be based on imagination or personal viewpoints. The teaching resources guide students through practical exercises, using keywords and scanning techniques to locate specific information within a text. For instance, they are taught to look for clues such as the use of past tense as an indicator of non-fiction content. The lesson includes worksheets that encourage students to apply these techniques, with questions that prompt them to find and record answers from a given non-fiction article, thereby reinforcing their understanding of the concepts taught.

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