Vowels and Consonants - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Vowels and Consonants - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The 'Vowels and Consonants' PowerPoint is an educational resource designed to help students learn about the fundamental elements of the English alphabet, particularly focusing on vowels and consonants. The presentation begins with a section on vowels, identifying the letters a, e, i, o, u as vowels and noting that sometimes 'y' can also act as a vowel in words such as 'fly' and 'sky'. The importance of vowels in almost all words is emphasised, and students are encouraged to practice identifying vowels in various words, such as 'car', 'house', and 'tree'. The lesson also includes an activity where students must fill in missing vowels to complete words, reinforcing their understanding of how vowels function in language.

Following the section on vowels, the PowerPoint shifts focus to consonants, which are defined as all the letters in the alphabet that are not vowels. A comprehensive list of consonants is provided, from 'b' to 'z', excluding the vowels. Students are then tasked with identifying and highlighting consonants in a selection of words, such as 'bike', 'shop', and 'train'. Another interactive activity challenges students to fill in missing consonants in words, further consolidating their grasp of how consonants are used in spelling. The resource concludes with a recap of the material covered and suggests an interactive game to reinforce learning in a fun and engaging manner.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary