The Prefix 'un' - PowerPoint

Year 1
The Prefix 'un' - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Year 1 English students are introduced to the concept of prefixes, focusing on the prefix 'un'. The educational resources guide them through understanding how adding 'un' to the beginning of a word changes its meaning, typically to the opposite of the original term. For example, adding 'un' to 'happy' results in 'unhappy'. Students are encouraged to read words out loud, such as 'unzip', 'unkind', 'undo', 'unfair', and 'unable', noting the common prefix and its effect on the words' meanings. The objective of the lesson is to help students recognise that 'un' means 'not' and to use it to form new words with opposite meanings.

The lesson includes a variety of activities to reinforce the learning objective. Students are tasked with matching 'un' words to their root words, such as 'unfair' with 'fair' and 'unkind' with 'kind'. They also engage in exercises where they add 'un' to words and discuss the new meanings with a partner. Additional worksheets prompt students to identify words that can be changed with the prefix 'un', and to use these new words in sentences. For example, they might write sentences using 'unlock', 'unhurt', 'unmade', and 'unwell'. Through these interactive activities, students learn to apply the prefix 'un' and understand its impact on word meanings in a practical and engaging way.

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