The Verb 'To be' - Worksheet

Year 1 - Year 2
The Verb 'To be' - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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English Teaching Resources presents a series of worksheets focused on the verb 'to be', a fundamental element of English grammar. The first worksheet invites students to complete a table by associating subject pronouns with the correct form of the verb 'to be'. It lists pronouns such as 'I', 'You', 'He', 'She', 'It', 'We', 'You', and 'They', and requires students to fill in the corresponding verb form, ensuring a clear understanding of singular and plural agreements in different contexts.

The subsequent worksheets build on this foundation, challenging students to complete sentences with the appropriate form of 'to be'. For example, they must decide between 'is' and 'are' to correctly complete sentences like "Mabel _______ my dog." and "Tom and Kate _______ cousins." Another worksheet focuses on contractions, asking students to rewrite sentences by replacing the full verb 'to be' with its contracted form, such as turning "I am a doctor" into "I'm a doctor". The exercises are designed to reinforce the usage of the verb 'to be', both in its full and contracted forms, and to ensure that students can confidently conjugate this essential verb in various grammatical scenarios.

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