Concrete Nouns - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Concrete Nouns - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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An English teaching resource dedicated to concrete nouns aims to enhance students' understanding and use of these nouns in their writing. Concrete nouns are defined as words for things that can be experienced through one or more of the five senses—sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. For example, 'teapot' and 'table' are concrete nouns because they can be seen, smelled, and touched. The resource includes a variety of exercises, such as drawing around a hand and labeling each finger with a sense, matching senses to pictures, and identifying concrete nouns within sentences. By doing these activities, students learn to recognise concrete nouns in their reading and discover how using them can make their writing more vivid and engaging.

The resource further illustrates the importance of concrete nouns by showing how a bland sentence can be transformed into a more interesting one by using specific and sensory words. For instance, the generic sentence "A person was holding an animal" can be made more descriptive as "The princess was unsure about kissing the tiny frog." Students are encouraged to practice writing sentences using a list of concrete nouns, such as 'sea', 'clock', 'dog', and 'tree'. Additional worksheets ask students to underline concrete nouns in given sentences and to choose appropriate concrete nouns to complete sentences, thereby reinforcing the concept and its application in writing.

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