Compound Words KS1 - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Compound Words   KS1 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
AI generated

In this engaging set of English teaching resources, Key Stage 1 pupils are introduced to the concept of compound words. A compound word is formed when two shorter words are combined to create a new, longer word with its own meaning. For instance, 'snow' and 'man' come together to form 'snowman'. The resources provide a clear and visual way of understanding how these combinations work, using a variety of examples such as 'butterfly' (butter + fly), 'wheelchair' (wheel + chair), and 'sunflower' (sun + flower). The materials are designed to make the learning process both fun and educational, with interactive worksheets that prompt students to join pictures or words together to discover new compound words.

The educational materials further explore this concept with a series of worksheets that challenge students to complete compound words by selecting from options, drawing lines to match words, or filling in missing parts. Examples include 'goldfish' (gold + fish), 'armchair' (arm + chair), and 'sandcastle' (sand + castle), among others. Additionally, the resources incorporate exercises where pupils must identify compound words within sentences, such as 'suitcase' and 'toothbrush', and complete compound words using a word bank, encouraging them to apply their understanding in different contexts. These activities are designed to enhance the vocabulary and word formation skills of young learners in a structured and enjoyable manner.

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