Twas the Night Before Christmas - Lesson 3 - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Twas the Night Before Christmas - Lesson 3 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In the third lesson of a series on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas', the focus is on adjectives and how they enhance writing. The objectives are clear: to identify adjectives within the poem and to use them effectively to improve one's own writing. Adjectives are words that describe people, places, and things, providing the reader with a vivid image of what is being described. For instance, words like 'miniature', 'tiny', 'little old', 'lively', and 'quick' are all examples of adjectives that paint a clearer picture for the audience. These descriptive words are crucial in bringing the festive scenes of the poem to life.

As part of the teaching resources, students are encouraged to spot adjectives in given sentences and to underline them in an adjectives worksheet. This exercise not only reinforces the identification of adjectives but also allows students to practise using them in context. They are asked to complete sentences by adding suitable adjectives, thereby enhancing the imagery and detail of the sentences. Additionally, students revisit the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' to discover the adjectives used by the author. They are prompted to consider the effectiveness of these adjectives and to think of alternative ones that could be used. This activity not only helps to expand their vocabulary but also to understand the impact of word choice in literature.

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