Twas the Night Before Christmas - Lesson 2 - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Twas the Night Before Christmas - Lesson 2 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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English Teaching Resources provide a lesson focused on exploring the use of language within the classic poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'. The lesson's objectives are to enhance students' vocabulary through the use of a dictionary and to delve into the poem's rhyming patterns. Students are encouraged to identify words they are unfamiliar with and use a dictionary to ascertain their meanings. This not only helps in understanding the poem more fully but also expands their vocabulary. Additionally, the lesson places an emphasis on the importance of rhyming words within the poem, teaching students how to recognise and appreciate the rhythmic quality that rhymes bring to poetry.

The lesson includes a worksheet activity where students list unknown words from the poem and then look up their definitions. Words like 'stirring' and 'lustre' are given as examples to start with. Another exercise focuses on identifying rhyming words, highlighting how they contribute to the poem's structure and flow. Students are tasked with finding words within the poem that rhyme with a given list, such as 'heads', 'Vixen', and 'reindeer'. The lesson also provides examples of rhyming pairs like 'roof' and 'hoof', 'around' and 'bound', prompting students to discover more. These activities aim to foster a deeper appreciation of the poem's literary techniques and enhance the students' reading and comprehension skills.

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