Traditional Stories - Lesson 1 - Worksheet

Year 1 - Year 2
Traditional Stories - Lesson 1 - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Embarking on a journey through the enchanting world of traditional stories, often referred to as fairy tales, the first lesson's worksheet from invites young learners to delve into the familiar realm of these classic narratives. The worksheet prompts students to recall and list other fairy tales they know, encouraging them to connect with a variety of tales that have been passed down through generations. This activity not only sparks their memory but also sets the stage for exploring the commonalities among these beloved stories.

The worksheet places a particular emphasis on understanding the structure of traditional stories by examining 'The Plot'. Students are asked to revisit the story they are studying by reading or listening to it once again, paying close attention to the sequence of events. They are then guided to identify and note down the key elements that occur in the beginning, middle, and end of the tale. This exercise aims to enhance students' comprehension of narrative structure, enabling them to recognise the essential components that make up the story line of any traditional tale. Through this focused analysis, learners gain insights into the art of storytelling and the timeless appeal of fairy tales.

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