The Nativity Story - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
The Nativity Story - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The Nativity Story is an integral part of the Key Stage 1 English curriculum, and a comprehensive teaching resource is available to help educators effectively convey this timeless tale to their students. The lesson begins with a focus on reading the story of the nativity, with an emphasis on developing students' abilities in story sequencing and re-telling. This foundational narrative starts with Mary, a young woman from Nazareth, who is betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter. An angel named Gabriel visits Mary, bringing the divine message that she has been chosen to bear a child named Jesus, who is destined to save the world. Joseph, informed by an angel through a dream, marries Mary, and they prepare for the arrival of the baby.

The couple's journey to Bethlehem, due to a decree requiring everyone to return to their birthplace, is fraught with challenges. Upon arrival, they find the town overcrowded and are unable to secure lodging. Eventually, a compassionate innkeeper offers them a place in a stable, where Jesus is born, his first bed a manger lined with straw. The story continues with shepherds in the hills being visited by an angel who announces the birth of the king. Similarly, three wise men from the East, guided by a new star, travel to Bethlehem to present Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The narrative concludes with an angel warning Joseph of King Herod's malicious intent, prompting the family to flee to Egypt for safety. The teaching resource includes various activities such as sequencing worksheets, character studies, and colouring exercises to reinforce the students' understanding and engagement with the Nativity Story.

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