Room on the Broom - Lesson 5 - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Room on the Broom - Lesson 5 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson Five of the English Teaching Resources focuses on the theme of heroes and villains within stories, using the tale "Room on the Broom" as a basis for exploration. Students are encouraged to think about the roles of these archetypal characters by examining well-known villains such as Cruella de Vil, The Big Bad Wolf, Captain Hook, and The Evil Queen from 'Snow White'. The objective is to engage students in a discussion about why villains are created by authors and what their roles contribute to the narratives of books, films, and TV shows. The class is then directed to read the third part of "Room on the Broom" up to the point where the dragon departs, and to answer questions related to the events that unfold in the story. This includes discussing the dragon's intentions, the actions leading to its retreat, and identifying the heroes who come to the witch's rescue.

Following the reading, the class is tasked with a group discussion to delve deeper into the motives behind the characters' actions, specifically why the animals choose to help, who is considered the villain of the story, and who are perceived as the heroes. Volunteers are then asked to recap the events of the story, using visual aids to support their retelling. To consolidate their understanding, students are provided with "Room on the Broom Story Recap Worksheets". These worksheets challenge them to describe what is happening in the story using a given word bank and pictures as clues. This interactive task not only reinforces their comprehension of the story but also encourages them to reflect on the narrative structure and the importance of character roles within it.