Room on the Broom - Lesson 2 - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Room on the Broom - Lesson 2 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the second lesson of 'Room on the Broom', the educational focus is on vocabulary development and comprehension. Students are tasked with identifying words that are unfamiliar to them within the story. This exercise encourages them to engage actively with the text and expand their language skills. Once these unknown words are noted, the children discuss their meanings with the teacher, fostering a deeper understanding of the language used in the story. This interactive approach not only helps in building vocabulary but also in enhancing the students' ability to infer and comprehend the narrative context in which these words are used.

Following the vocabulary activities, students proceed to read the second part of 'Room on the Broom' up to the point where the frog joins the witch on the broom. They then answer questions related to the plot, such as identifying which items the witch loses and which characters find them. This segment of the lesson is designed to reinforce reading comprehension while also providing a fun and engaging way for students to recall story events. To assist with the recap, visual aids in the form of pictures are used, prompting students to use visual clues to piece together the story's progression. This method aids in enhancing their narrative recall and storytelling abilities.