Phonics Phase 2, Set 2 - i, n, m, d - English Teaching PowerPoint with Worksheets - Worksheet

Phonics Phase 2, Set 2 - i, n, m, d - English Teaching PowerPoint with Worksheets - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Phonics education is a fundamental part of learning to read and write in English, and the provided materials focus on Phase 2, Set 2, which includes the letters 'i', 'n', 'm', and 'd'. The worksheets are designed to help young learners develop their understanding and use of these letters through a variety of activities. For the letter 'i', students are invited to practice writing the lowercase 'i' and then move on to identifying and colouring pictures that contain the /i/ sound. A further exercise has pupils listening to words read by the teacher and circling the correct word from a choice of three, reinforcing their phonemic awareness.

Similarly, worksheets for the letter 'n' guide students through writing practice and colouring tasks that focus on the /n/ sound. A spelling activity challenges them to spell words using a given set of letters, enhancing their ability to connect sounds to letters. For the letter 'm', one of the creative tasks includes cutting out words and sorting them into 'real' words and 'silly' (nonsense) words, which can be a fun way to distinguish between actual vocabulary and phonetically plausible non-words. The 'd' worksheets also encourage writing practice and introduce a game where students change one letter in the word 'pan' to form new words, cycling through a series of changes until they return to the original word. This activity not only focuses on the /d/ sound but also on word manipulation skills. These engaging and interactive worksheets are ideal tools for helping children build a solid foundation in phonics, which is critical for their reading and writing development.

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