The 'th' Sound - Phonics Teaching PowerPoint Lesson with Worksheets - Worksheet

The 'th' Sound - Phonics Teaching PowerPoint Lesson with Worksheets - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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English Teaching Resources have developed a comprehensive set of worksheets to help students learn and practice the 'th' sound, a common phonetic component in the English language. The first worksheet invites students to identify pictures that either begin or end with the 'th' sound by circling them. This activity helps to develop phonemic awareness and the ability to distinguish the 'th' sound in different word positions. The second worksheet is designed to enhance spelling skills by asking students to complete words with the 'th' sound and then match these words to corresponding pictures, reinforcing the visual and auditory association of the sound.

The third worksheet further challenges students with a word search, where they must find words containing the 'th' sound. Once located, students are encouraged to use two of the found words in their own sentences, providing an opportunity to apply the 'th' sound in a written context. This worksheet not only helps with phonics but also aids in vocabulary development and sentence construction. Additionally, answers are provided for reference, ensuring students can check their work and teachers can guide them effectively through the learning process. These worksheets are a valuable resource for helping young learners master the pronunciation and spelling of words with the 'th' sound.

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