Inspired by: Leon and the Place Between - Week 3

Year 5
Inspired by: Leon and the Place Between - Week 3
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Inspired by the captivating world of "Leon and the Place Between," students are encouraged to explore the power of language in creating atmosphere and manipulating the perception of time. The lesson focuses on predicting events and understanding the impact of specific sentence constructions. Starting a sentence with "With a ripple of gold braid," Angela McAllister sets a scene that is rich in visual detail and imbued with a sense of slow, deliberate movement. This choice of words invites readers to anticipate what might follow, building tension and excitement. Students are asked to consider alternative beginnings that could produce a similar effect, such as "With a hushed whisper of the crowd," or "With a dramatic flicker of the lights," each evoking a unique sensory experience that slows down the narrative pace to draw the reader in.

When examining the role of the ringmaster, students delve into characterisation, selecting words that capture the ringmaster's physical appearance, clothing, voice, manner, and attitude. This exercise not only hones descriptive writing skills but also serves to understand the ringmaster's purpose within the narrative—to welcome the audience while maintaining an aura of mystery and enchantment. Crafting the ringmaster's welcome speech, students are encouraged to consider the use of language, voice modulation, and physical gestures to enhance the message. The ringmaster's ability to appear and disappear with theatrical flair adds to the mystique. Should humour be desired, students explore how the ringmaster might inject wit into his speech, possibly through playful word choices or comedic timing, thus changing the tone and engaging the audience in a different manner.

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