Inspired by: Castles - Week 1

Year 4
Inspired by: Castles - Week 1
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Embark on a journey of imagination and inference with "A Fascinating Castle" activity, which encourages children to delve into the world of castles as depicted on the cover of Colin Thompson's book. The task is to explore the castle's mysteries through a series of probing questions like who, what, and why, leading to a discussion about the potential magical inhabitants of this grand structure. Could it be a setting from a Harry Potter story? The children are invited to speculate on the castle's occupants, whether it be a solitary wizard or a bustling family of mystical beings, using visual clues such as books by the entrance or beanstalks scaling the walls to justify their theories. From there, they continue to weave a rich backstory for the castle, drawing inspiration from a mix of literature and folklore, while pondering its name and historical significance.

The adventure continues with "For Sale - A Fascinating Castle," where children learn the art of persuasive writing through the lens of an estate agent. They examine real estate literature to understand the use of compelling language and structure, discussing how to highlight the castle's most attractive features to potential buyers like a knight or a fairy princess. From turrets and moats to tapestries and massive fireplaces, the children learn to describe each element with vivid detail and castle-specific terminology. The activity culminates in designing their own modern castles, incorporating innovative technologies and time-saving devices, and then pitching their designs in a "Young Architect of the Year" competition, using rich vocabulary and expanded noun phrases to convince their peers of the merits of their creations.

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