Inspired by: Five Minutes Peace - Week 5

Year 2
Inspired by: Five Minutes Peace - Week 5
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In the delightful series of activities inspired by "Five Minutes' Peace," children are encouraged to immerse themselves in the creative world of poetry and storytelling. The 'Bath Time Fun' session aims to develop children's ability to recite poems by heart, with a focus on intonation to convey meaning effectively. In this activity, children are introduced to Laura's onomatopoeic poem, 'Mum’s Bath,' which captures the essence of bath time through a symphony of sounds such as the 'squeak' of the tap and the 'gurgle' of draining water. The children are then invited to consider why Laura chose these particular words and to explore other words that mimic the sounds of water, culminating in a vibrant class performance of the poem.

Next, the 'Munch Crunch' activity transitions from auditory to culinary delights, as children are tasked with writing their own poems about breakfast time, inspired by Lester's enthusiasm for Laura's poem. They are encouraged to include a variety of onomatopoeic words that represent the actions and sounds of making toast, cooking eggs, brewing tea, and washing up. The objective is to craft a poem that resonates with the bustling energy of breakfast time. Additionally, children are challenged to create a poem that reflects the activities of a typical school day, using onomatopoeia to bring the routine to life. In 'Splashing Sploshing,' the focus shifts to grammar, where children explore the use of the progressive form of verbs to describe ongoing actions, both in the present and past tense. They practice writing sentences about the bath time antics of the characters, then work with partners to convert these sentences between tenses. Finally, 'Once Upon A Time' encourages children to retell their own story in the style of a traditional fairy tale, weaving in elements of their daily life to create a narrative that asks whether they all lived happily ever after, much like the story told by Mum in the bath.

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