Where does the solar system end? The Oort Cloud.

7th Grade - 9th Grade
NASA Space Place

Science Resource Description

The solar system we call home has our sun, eight planets, all their moons, the asteroid belt, and lots of comets. Outside Neptune's orbit is the Kuiper Belt. An almost empty ring around the sun that has icy bodies, almost all smaller than Pluto, making slow orbits around the sun. But what’s beyond the Kuiper belt? Beyond the fringes of the Kuiper belt is the Oort Cloud. Comprehension Questions: 1. Name one thing that exists in our solar system. 2. What is the Kuiper Belt? 3. True or False: The objects existing inside the Kuiper Belt are called Kuiper Belt Objects. 4. Some ______ come from the Kuiper Belt. Answer Key: 1. Any of the following: Planets, asteroids, moons, Sun, comets 2. A ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune’s orbit. 3. True 4. Comets Find out more at https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/.