The Water Cycle: Condensation

4th Grade - 11th Grade
The Water Cycle: Condensation
Visual Learning Systems
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Science Resource Description

Upon viewing the The Water Cycle video series, students will be able to do the following:Define the water cycle as the continual movement of water between earth and the air.Explain that the water cycle consists of three processes: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.Identify transpiration as the process by which plants give off large amounts of water.Explain that water exists in three different forms - solid, liquid, and gas - and the process by which water changes from one form to another is referred to as a phase change.Define evaporation as the process by which liquid water becomes a gas, or water vapor.Explain that clouds are formed when warm, moisture-rich air cools, condensing into millions of tiny droplets.Understand that precipitation occurs when water droplets, ice, or snow become too numerous and heavy, causing them to fall from clouds to the earth.Define condensation as the process by which water vapor changes from a gas to a liquid.Understand the role that humans, plants, and animals play in the water cycle.Explain that while some regions of the world receive more precipitation than others, the total amount of evaporation and precipitation is balanced worldwide.Given a diagram of the water cycle, label the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.Provide examples of the water cycle at work around their home, school, and community.`